Legal Site Disclaimer

All health-related information and product descriptions, offered on our website are meant for general information purposes only. Canadian Pharmacy Mall is not intended to provide professional medical consultation, diagnosis, treatment, or a substitute for medical care.

Due to the constantly changing nature of medical information, all information you can find on this website should not be considered actual or sufficient or be relied on for any recommendation. CPM does not bear any responsibility for any cross-linked third-party websites’ information. We are not liable for any products or services on those websites. The cross-linked websites may have content or graphics you find offensive. CPM does not have control over such graphics or content and accepts no responsibility for these materials.

We strongly recommend you to consult with a healthcare practitioner before making any decisions regarding your health or buying any products from our website.

If you have any severe side effects from any medication, you should immediately call your doctor or seek emergency medical care.